Bringing success to light

Light Therapy Marketplace

The Future is Bright

The red light therapy market is experiencing significant growth driven by increased awareness about its therapeutic benefits, self-care empowerment, rising demand for non-invasive treatment options, and advancements in technology.

With scientifically proven advantages based on research done by NASA, and numerous FDA-approved uses including pain relief, anti-aging, muscle recovery, hair regrowth, wound healing, fat loss, and acne scaring, it is safe to say the future of light therapy is bright.

SolVibrant connects professionals with light therapy solutions. We leverage our global network of manufacturers, physicians, brands, and enthusiasts to provide personalized guidance and tailored product solutions.

Our Clients

Fitness Centers & Gyms

Red light therapy is used to support muscle recovery, reduce inflammation, and enhance athletic performance. Many fitness centers integrate red light devices into recovery areas for their members.

TARGETING: Recovery & Performance

Spas & Aesthetic Centers

Red light therapy is utilized for skincare treatments, promoting collagen production, reducing wrinkles, and improving overall skin health. More spas are offering red light facials, full-body treatments, and are combining light therapy with other aesthetic treatments.

TARGETING: Skin Health & Anti-Aging

Senior Living Care Centers

Red light therapy is added to offer relaxation and mindfulness practices to create a holistic approach to aging. The calming effects of red light contribute to stress reduction, pain management and improved mood.

TARGETING: Mental Wellness & Relaxation

Sports & Athletic Organizations

Youth, collegiate, and professional teams are incorporating light therapy treatments into athlete training practices to enhance athletic performance, shorten recovery downtime, and prevent injury.

TARGETING: Athletic Performance

Chiropractic & Wellness Centers

Red light therapy is incorporated into pain management programs, aiding in the reduction of chronic pain, arthritis symptoms, and inflammation. It complements other treatments for a holistic approach to pain relief.

TARGETING: Pain Management

Alternative Medicine Clinics

Red light therapy is embraced as part of holistic health practices, complementing acupuncture, massage therapy, and other alternative medicine modalities.

TARGETING: Holistic Health Practices

Established Wellness Brands

An increasing number of brands are expanding their product portfolios with red light to elevate and differentiate current offerings, enhance credibility, add revenue, and improve customer satisfaction.

TARGETING: Brand Equity

Salons & Hair Clinics

Red light therapy is employed for its potential to stimulate hair growth and improve the overall health of the scalp. Some businesses offer red light treatments as part of their hair restoration services.

TARGETING: Hair Regrowth

Corporate Wellness Programs

Progressive companies are including red light therapy in their corporate wellness programs, providing employees with access to devices for stress reduction and overall well-being.

TARGETING: Employee Health & Wellness

  • Red light technology is the cornerstone of our franchise's success. SolVibrant knows it’s more than just a product, they supply us with a transformative experience that empowers our clients to achieve their wellness goals.

    Avanti Body

  • The positive outcomes of integrating the RLX therapy mats into my Manhattan red light therapy centers have been nothing short of remarkable, with significant improvements reported in skin health, pain management, body contouring, and overall wellness.

    Adie Horowitz, Red Light Therapy NY

  • Our daily estimated profit per room has increased 775% by adding full body red light treatments to our service portfolio. Employee engagement was a major hurdle that SolVibrant worked with us to overcome. The future looks bright!

    259 Location Massage Studio Franchise

  • Adding red light treatments to our existing massage service portfolio has its challenges; employee engagement was one of them. SolVibrant’s experienced team continues to work with us to overcome this obstacle. The future looks bright!

    Massage Franchise Chain

  • Red and near-infrared light therapy are one of the biggest breakthrough discoveries in the last half century. Scientists have quietly accumulated thousands of studies on the power of light to enhance human health for the last several decades.

    Ari Whitten

  • Light Therapy offers a bridge between established medical practices and the growing desire for proactive wellness solutions that empower individuals to take charge of their health journey like never before. We truly believe the future of "good health" is in our hands.

    Light Therapy Innovations Manufacturer